‘The foul plot of murder incidence of former secretary late Subba, has terrorized and menaced the leading circle of long time by-passed imbroglio of Bhutanese Democratic and Human Rights movement’ stated the press release. The press statement has bold-faced to cite Subba, lately bringing into light the Bhutan Government’s fully framed spin-plot to slay down the sentinels of repatriation.
He has long been raising the voice for the cause of democracy and Human Rights movement in Bhutan since the onset of the southern Bhutanese saga for search of identity, Establishment of Democracy and Human Rights in Bhutan since early years of 1990 and has been from time to time speaking against the despotic regime of Bhutan.
Dr. Rai has also lined to express agitation and solemn pity for Nepal Government, as a host country of refugees and the United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), for being unconcerned and speechless in the press statement.
Dr. Rai, who is the chairman of the Bhutanese Refugee Repartriation Representatives Committee (BRRRC) resides in Damak Jhapa and is said to have served the Bhutanese Royal family as a loyal surgeon. Rai is an owner of MBBS from Guwahati, India and fellowship of Doctorate from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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